Sowing Seeds for the Future – Munuvolu Lohe, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Education

Sowing Seeds for the Future

Tomorrow is a child of today. Every moment that we live today will echo its reflection in the future. When it comes to the result-bitter or sweet is essentially an outcome of the decision that has been taken in the past. Law of Karma is universal- what you sow, so shall you reap. However, the question is whether we are making the right choice by taking the right decisions? Whether the moral aspects of the decision are given due weightage? Whether we really care about the moral judgments that will be delivered? Our daily actions must reflect god-consciousness. In the race of fulfilling the desires of flesh humanity has been ignoring the calling of the ‘spirit’.

Sowing Seeds for the Future

‘Always do the right thing no matter what others say. It is you, not them, who have to face the consequences’.
~ Leon Brown

Human actions are determined by the ethical choices between ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’. Individual actions depend on the choices that one makes in everyday life. Making the right decision is a matter of conscience and moral obligation as a responsible citizen. Every day the choices that we make in life be it in small or big, matters because it shapes our attitude, values, and character. The decisions we make today also indirectly shapes the course of our destiny. As we make choices, we struggle as to whether to do RIGHT or WRONG. It is a constant ongoing struggle within us between our flesh and spirit. I called this Spiritual battle. Why is it a battle? It is because we humans are naturally more inclined towards fulfilling the desires of our flesh than what the spirit wants which Paul an apostle of Christ also has mentioned in one of his epistles which I totally agree[Galatians 5:16-22]. The actions we take based on our decisions in our everyday life manifest either fruit of the spirit or the works of the flesh. Fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, , faithfulness, gentleness and self-control and the acts of the flesh are adultery, fornication, uncleanliness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, wrath, strife, envy, drunkenness, disensions, factions, orgies and the like. We either lose or win the battle meaning we give in to what our flesh desires or obey what the spirit desires. Every day is an opportunity for us to reflect Christ-like nature.

Doing what is just and morally right is also not just a matter of conscience; as Christians, it is also our moral obligation to live a morally upright life. As Christian, we should be people who always strive to do right as we owe the world huge responsibility that is to show exemplary life in our attitude, conduct and character. We may not always do it perfectly every time and it will not be an easy thing to do as it will require huge sacrifice but that is the life we are recalled to live. Nevertheless, we cannot shy away from this responsibility because as Christians we are called to be different. Our daily actions also reflect our relationship with God we cannot preach something and do something else. The world is watching us what we do, when we do, how we respond. What we sow right now through our actions and deeds impact people around us and life beyond. Hence we should live our life in view of the present and the future.

To live a life of integrity, it will require intentionality, effort, courage and wisdom as there will be times when we might be tempted, discouraged, disappointed and misunderstood. There will also be times when you feel like giving up as you may think that nobody is noticing and appreciating your effort. Yes, it is true, the process will not always seem fun, easy and convenient as it requires sacrifice, self-discipline, endurance and perseverance yet the outcome will be rewarding when one persevere and not give up. Not only that our character will be molded which a prerequisite in attaining higher life goals and dreams. As we become a man and woman of character we will be able to stand strong in the face of temptation, trials and tests. And above all, our society needs such individuals of strong moral principle and character.

Nowadays in this present digital age where everything is instantaneous and accessible we tend to seek for instant gratification. Nobody likes to hear the word ‘Patience’ as it requires disciplining one’s flesh to stay calm without complaining. We humans have a tendency to act fast and expect to get immediate results, especially the younger generation. Our youngsters need to learn the value of patience, endurance and perseverance. Looks like in our society we find that people have totally lost the sense of morality, they have no fear of God whatsoever they will use whatever means necessary to get what they want. Such a scenario is prevalent in almost every part of the world. Most of the economic, social, political, religious problems that are existing in the world today happens because somebody somewhere along the lines have made the wrong decision or fail to act justly. Trivial things like not paying electricity bill, violation of traffic rules, taking of bribes, committing crime and sexual violence are some the instances of such problems.

Choosing to do right would mean different things for different people. For some it may mean giving up on bad habits, stop procrastinating and avoid unnecessary wastage of time, walking out of toxic relationships, becoming more loving, kind, and considerate, being generous and honest. Living a life of integrity is a life worth living for because that is a lifestyle which attracts lasting favor and blessing of God in our lives. On many occasions I’ve had experiences that in my own life and saw it happens in many people’s lives as well. The fruit of our today’s actions and deeds may not be seen immediately it may take longer than expected but hold on we cannot afford to make any more excuses so much time has already been wasted. It is time to act. What we do today will determine who we become in the future. The choice we make today will shape our tomorrow. So think, decide and act wisely before it is too late.

Degree of Thought is a weekly community column initiated by Tetso College in partnership with The Morung Express. Degree of Thought will delve into the social, cultural, political and educational issues around us. The views expressed here do not reflect the opinion of the institution. Tetso College is a NAAC Accredited UGC recognised Commerce and Arts College. The editors are Dr Hewasa Lorin, Dr. Aniruddha Babar, Dr. Pfokrelo Kapesa, Rinsit B Sareo, Meren Lemtur and Kvulo Lorin.
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