Winners of Poetry Salon Contest, held as part of Renaissance Clique ‘Ad Maiora’, the annual fest of the Department of English, Tetso College

Category: Higher Secondary:

Lost Childhood Dream

I grew up amidst the hills of a city,
Lush green unaffected by the meddling middle men.
Ahh! mornings were beautiful with singing birds,
Springs were marvellous with pink celestial cherry blossoms
indeed worthy of awe
And that pleasant breeze did bring a peace of mind.
Back then it was indeed a time away from all worldly worries.
Venturing into the lush green forest to explore the unknown was a blessing in disguise.
A little downhill from home leading to a beautiful pond bestowed with yellow lotus in bloom,
And the nearby glistening brook to the paddy fields,
There filled with happy farmers; their smile enough to win back a hearty smile,
Merry were the weekends,
My dear little friends and I would venture to the hill’s creak,
Collecting pebbles there was a hobby afterall which never ceased to amaze me.
With land blessed with fruits and berries we need no thought for morrow.
Alas, I have now grown up more than ten years into this wrecked future,
What now awaits is but a bustling city,
A dry soulless pond, a brook and a creek only by name filled with but poison!
The paddies have dried and the happy farmers nowhere to be found.
I therefore ask thy development,
Where did my birthright to mother nature go?
Bye my hobbies, my happy carefree childhood days,
Adieu my lovely enchanted dream…

– Sungjemsenla Jamir, Delhi Public School, Dimapur

Category: Undergraduate

My land envisioned

I dream of my world,
Where a man doesn’t scorn the other,
Where earth is blessed with love
And peace adorning its path.

I dream of my world,
With an absence of dissension;
With prosperity at its pinnacle
Illumining the ocean blues.

I dream of my world,
With its being freed from selfishness;
And souls no longer sapped by greed
Where avarice no longer blight the days.

I dream of my world,
With all its races- black or white
Sharing the joy of belonging,
While joining hands in earth’s bounty.

I dream of my world,
Where wretchedness is long gone
And honesty worn like a string of pearls;
With kindness and humility as necessities.

I dream of taking risks,
Of touching the blazing asterisk;
Though these may seem preposterous
I long to travel the furthest possibilities.

These dreams may be called delusions
Where tangibility be our reason
But I will continue to vision my land beautifully
For even a partial fulfillment will change my world beautifully.

– Tiayanger
Model Christian College, Kohima

Category: Post Graduate


Oceans of thoughts with layers of goals
What dreams will thee employ
Encapsulating the slightest of deeds
To break the limits of wall
Strength is in my firmness
Which grows with passion and determination

Nothing is undone and everything is answered
Lighting the combustion and finding the purpose
Because I move the stars even when I am swept away
And power is in my reach
This fleeting phase of dreams
Where I connect with the divine

My eyes shine with tears
Body with blood and sweat
I move ahead even when the winds hold me
For if dreams crash down
Life is a barren field
Covered with only futile mud

When life makes me powerless
I therefore dream because it enthralls my power
In a journey of thousand miles
Like a bird with feathers
Flying with wings of goals
Because I’m a dreamer that dreams on.

MA English, St. Joseph University, Virgin Town

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