In his deep philosophical discourse Aba-o Rhutsu attempts to explore the most fundamental questions that have been haunting humanity since ages. Let us join this enlightening journey within the musings of a modern day Naga Thinker of Tetso College.


“Do not look for happiness outside yourself. The awakened seek happiness inside.”
― Peter Deunov

We all can fool ourselves into all kinds of emotional states, we can take ourselves higher in our real yet imaginary world and get happy, but the problem is, it doesn’t last. The weather could bring it down. So, as long as our inner life is enslaved to external events and achievements, it will remain a dangerously slippery situation. There is no other way for it to be. We are madly in love with our own slavery. Ha ! Ha !

Ancient Philosophers, Thinkers and great Teachers have burnt midnight oil to find the way out and they discovered that the way out is very simple-that is to change the direction.  Here, what we need to see and understand is that the source and basis of the sensory experiences that we derive from external events  is actually within us. Eureka ! no? 

Pain or pleasure, joy or misery, agony or ecstasy, happens only inside us. If we are happy, it is because we are happy and if we are sad, it is because we are sad- no external force is responsible for our emotional state; please understand this- no question of Revenge or Forgiveness ever exists. No situation, event or a person has a capacity to manipulate the inner layers of our mind-but ourselves. If we are suffering- then know well that, we are allowing ourselves to suffer therefore we are suffering. Human folly is that people are always trying to extract joy from outside- and since this so-called ‘Joy’ is a ‘Grand Illusion’-they end up in a strange cycle of suffering. How ignorant!

Everything we have done in our life so far has been in pursuit of a single thing. We took up a career, built mansions, married the most beautiful person, and strived for success, status-why? What for, if not for Joy? We truly believed that joy can really be derived from external things and allowed that belief to lead us-to the eternal trap-the final tragedy-the ‘Last Sorrow’.

We learnt to correlate Joy with material comforts. We taught ourselves that money can buy joy. So the equation of happiness revolves around a couple of variables like some person like a child-wife-husband-parents-friend, achievements, assets, career progression, social status etc. In fact, our generation thinks that they are the happiest people because every possible material pleasure is available at our feet. We can go to a supermarket and buy everything we need for the entire year. We can do it without even stepping out of our home! We are the most comfortable generation to have ever lived on this planet. This is a fact! But are we Happy- A Million Dollar Question.

The irony is that we are definitely not the most joyful, or loving, or the most peaceful. We are still no happier than our ancestors a thousand years ago. Isn’t it time to look at what’s wrong? How can we continue to do something that has not worked for a thousand years? We are trapped in ‘fleeting’ joy. It is like this. You go out today and someone tells you that you are the most beautiful or intelligent person in the world. You are floating on cloud nine, flashing a shining set of teeth with goose bumps everywhere. But then you come home, and the walls, the mirrors and the tallest of the beams tell you who you really are: everything crashes! You, I and all of us have experienced this great “Earthquake”. 

After going through all this, if we are fortunate enough, we reach a clear understanding which teaches us that what we think and imagine about joy, happiness, pleasure etc is all illusion-a classic mirage. This life changing moment of realization instantly shakes us and directs our attention, focus from outward illusion to the inward reality.

Why do we need to be pleasant within? The answer is self-evident. When we are in a pleasant inner state, we are naturally pleasant to everyone and everything around us. Nothing in this world could affect our eternal bliss. This state of mind has been identified by Gautama Buddha as “NIRVANA”. No scripture or philosophy is needed to instruct mankind to be good to others. It is a natural outcome when we are feeling good within ourselves.  Logical, isn’t it?

If we go deeper within, we can easily understand that the only thing that stands between us and our well-being is a simple fact: we have allowed our thoughts and emotions to take instruction from the outside rather than the inside. Somehow we think that changing outer conditions will make everything okay on the inside. But the past couple of centuries are proof that technology will only bring comfort and convenience to us, not well-being. Everything that ever happened to us, we experienced right within us. Pain and pleasure, agony and ecstasy, all happened within us. The whole experience is contained within. All human experiences are self-created. We are the creator of what we are-what we were and what we will be. It is simple to understand but complex to digest.

Peace and joy are the basic requirements for a life of well-being. If we want to enjoy a movie or soccer match tonight, we must be peaceful and happy. Peace and joy are not things we attain at the end of life. They are the basis of our life, we live for it and we must understand that the entire living is related to it. 

So, when most of us say “life” they mean their work, their family, their relationships, achievements, the homes they live in, the cars they drive, their foreign vacations, the clothes they wear, or the gods they pray to. The one thing they miss in all this ‘Drama’ is LIFE. I hope, sooner or later people will understand this strange mystery, the solution of which lies deeper within us. THE KINGDOM OF GOD- IS-WITHIN US !

Degree of Thought is a weekly community column initiated by Tetso College in partnership with The Morung Express. Degree of Thought will delve into the social, cultural, political and educational issues around us. The views expressed here do not reflect the opinion of the institution. Tetso College is a NAAC Accredited UGC recognised Commerce and Arts College. The editors are Dr Hewasa Lorin, Dr. Aniruddha Babar, Aienla A, Rinsit B Sareo, Meren Lemtur and Kvulo Lorin.
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