PLUTO AND I – Arenkala Walling

Pluto is cold and dark and distant.
Pluto has some extremely dark regions as well as some very bright ones.
Pluto is composed mostly of ice and rock.
Pluto is named after the Roman god of Death.
Everything about Pluto is so controversial.
Everyone seems to have a clue about her but no one knows her entirely.
Pluto’s orbital path doesn’t lie in the uniform plane as that of the other eight planets’ – which is to say, she takes the road not taken.
Pluto was once invited to be a member of an exclusive club but was later kicked out for being
Pluto is a reminder that there is a better place outside the “exclusive club” for the misfits; a welcoming home, rather.
No wonder this world has always been so alien to me. No wonder the sky is not the limit . No wonder I identify myself with Pluto…

-Arenkala Walling
BA English, 6th Semester

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