Book Review: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma

Name of the Book The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
Author Robin Sharma
Publisher and Year of Publishing HarperCollins Publishers, April 21, 1999
Price ₹ 156  Paperback (Amazon)


CHECKLIST Rating: 4/5

Reviewer: Viruno Yalie, HR Senior Executive, Tetso College

“Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality.”

– Robin Sharma.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin S. Sharma is one of the profound books I came across in the year 2018 while I was pursuing my PGDM, juggling with almost 12 hours of classes 6 days of the week.  The fable is about a fictional character named Julian Mantle, a successful lawyer with a crazy schedule and a set of priorities who decides to go on a spiritual quest through the Himalayas and his encounter with Yogi Raman.

The concept of the book is based on Seven Virtues and each of these Virtues is discussed in separate chapters:

  • Master Your Mind
  • Follow Your Purpose
  • Practice Kaizen
  • The Power of Discipline
  • Respect Your Time
  • Selflessly Serve Others
  • Embrace the Present

I feel like there is a “Julian” in all of us in one phase or the other of life. Each virtue is intriguing and has been depicted creatively by the narrator. The book has helped me to incorporate self-discipline and confidence. I believe the book will definitely give some thought to your life, your goals and how your daily habits will help you to attain your goals.

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