Book Review: Mari by Easterine Kire

Name of the Book Mari
Author Easterine Kire
Publisher and Year of Publishing Harper Collins, 2010
Price ₹1,555, Paperback (Amazon)

CHECKLIST Rating: 4.3

Reviewer: Asen A Phom, BA 6th Semester, Department of Sociology, Tetso College

Being a bibliophile I love to collect and read books, I usually spend my leisure time on reading novels, historical fiction, detective, and mystery books. My habit of reading books has always bring a positive impact on my studies and life. It strengthen my brain, build vocabulary, reduce stress and most importantly it gives me a pleasure.

I have read many works of Easterine Kire and she is one of my minion author who inspired me in many facets.

Mari is a tale of romance, war, retaliation and peace.

Mari is a gentle love story set in the midst of violence- the violence of forgotten battle of Kohima. Keri paints a picture of the simple easy-going life of the Nagas in the green-verdant countryside before they were engulfed in the life. It is the story of a young Naga girl caught in the midst of the battle, her family dispersed as they are forced to leave their village home. Through the weeks of battle, the young girl move from one hiding to another to escape the Japanese soldiers, shortage on food, they forage for herbs and green in the forest and hide in cattle sheds.

Throughout this difficult time this young lady longs for her fiance who is in the midst of fighting in Kohima and is shot dead by the sniper just a day before the siege of Kohima is lifted. The novel gives us a peek into how Kohima underwent a rapid transformation with the new buildings and number of new roads builds. It remain for those who saw war that the best years of their lives is about to begin. It referred as a ‘forgotten battle’ in the Naga society as the veterans soldiers who had seen and have taken part in the event and has given their considerable active service but was term them as the ‘forgotten heroes’ is because it has remain unexplored and against or banned in doing analytical research for a decade in the Naga society.

The novel project how Mari takes flowers to Victor’s grave, she resolve to take care of their child as a beautiful declaring of their undying love. At last despite of all the turmoil a Peace prevail in the land of Naga Hills.

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