A Teacher’s Legacy – Ketoulezo Rio, BA

Teachers! Oh, how marvelous they are!

A better future for us they earnestly long,

To guide us always, they strive deeply.


From the loneliest of nights to the brightest of days,

They’ve carefully watched our every step.

Students are to them their greatest gift,

Treasured with such love and affection.


Once each year a golden day comes by,

A day to honor and commemorate them;

With discipline and sincerity?

Or perhaps gratitude, appreciation, and respect?

Oh, I wonder what it is they truly long for.


Slowly passes by all the time spent,

Leisurely goes away the lessons taught,

And fade away unawares the memories made.

What remains then?” someone asked.

The morals they taught,” I replied.


-(Ketoulezo Rio, BA 1st Semester)


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