10 Productive Ways For Students To Spend Christmas Holiday

10 Productive Ways To Spend Christmas Holiday For Students

Dear students, classes are over and winter break beckons. All those months of attending classes, writing assignments, studying for tests are behind you now ushering in several weeks of rest and relaxation. However, deciding on how to spend your holidays can be a confusing task with all the free time in your hands. Instead of the usual slacking by watching movies or eating profusely, we suggest some simple yet productive activities you could do which will not only be beneficial for your development but will go a long way in moulding your adult life.

Here is a list of ten things you can do to make your holidays productive:

1. Reflect on your last semester’s performance
Well, it might sound like a drag to talk about academics while on holiday, but we highly recommend reflecting on how you’ve fared during the last semester. Ask yourself: Have I done well in the past semester? If not, find out why and in which areas you might want to improve on. An effective way to improve your performance is by setting performance and process goals. For example:
Performance Goal: Get an A in History next semester.
Process Goal: Study one textbook chapter every day.
By inculcating more process goals, you are sure to ace next semester. Also, make sure you plan ahead for the coming semester. Reading the course materials ahead of the semester will give you a head start and make life much easier.

2. Learn a new skill
What better way to spend the winter break than to learn something cool and new? Learn to drive a car, try that new recipe you’ve been dying to cook, pick up a musical instrument, try your hand at calligraphy, master a new language perhaps – there are tons of exciting new stuff waiting for you to discover. As always, Google is your best friend if you run out of ideas.

3. Volunteer at an NGO
Volunteering can be a great learning experience for students. Not only does it teach you to develop organizational and management skills, but you are also providing a valuable service to the community and society as a whole. From visiting an old age home to teaching at an orphanage, you can also hook up with organizations that are into event management.

4. Exercise to stay fit
Sure, Christmas comes with its spoils of sumptuous repast to pamper your taste buds and although it’s okay to give in to a little self-indulgence, moderation is the keyword here. Try and stay fit by combating the vacation bulge with an exercise regimen. Not only will you look fitter but will definitely feel better once you are back to regular classes.

5. Read a book
Read and not just textbooks but also outside of your class curriculum. You’ve heard it before and we will say it again – books are the storehouses of knowledge! Read about an eminent personality or a book on fiction. You bet there’s no greater way to relax on a winter evening than to be curled up on the edge of the bed with a book in hand and a coffee mug in the other.

6. Donate to charity
Got clothes that don’t fit anymore? Toys from yesteryears? Donating to charity not only benefits the poor but it can be deeply rewarding for you too. And what better way to celebrate Christmas – the season of cheerful giving – than by donating old goods to the needy and underprivileged.

7. Go on a vacation
Make that trip happen which you and your friends have been planning for a long time. Visit a place of historic importance and learn about the culture there or simple explore nature by heading out to the countryside.

8. Intern / Work part-time
There’s a saying that goes, “Take a job for what you will learn, not for what you will earn.” Getting an internship or working part-time is a wonderful way to get hands-on work experience. While the money may not be great, think about the amount of knowledge and experience you can harvest on a professional level. At the end of your course, that impressive CV will get you anywhere.

9. Develop healthy habits
Developing healthy habits will benefit your physical, mental and emotional (very important) health (notice why we said habits and not habit because a combination of habits are essential for your overall wellbeing). Here are some suggestions:
• Wake up early
• Meditate
• Maintain a regular sleep schedule
• Drink plenty of water
• Limit using social media

10. Spend time with family and friends
All said and done, time spent with family and near ones are just as productive and valuable. Hang out with your siblings and invest quality time with your parents. Take the time to visit your grandparents too. You can also use this time to catch up with your old buddies or get the gang together to reminisce about the good old days.

Hope you liked our list of ten productive ways to spend the Christmas holiday for students. If you feel we have missed out on anything, send in your suggestions to dottalks@tetsocollege.org.

Happy holidays!

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